Robin’s Story
About Robin Ducharme, Founder & CEO
For me, it’s always been about love.
I’ve experienced an abundance of love in my life—and there’s not a day I take that gift for granted. I also know something about loss when it comes to the most important people in my world. I’m sure it’s the absence of some of those I’ve loved most—including my twin and my Dad—that has taught me everything about the value of relationships and the importance of holding people close.
Relationships are the most critical thing in our lives. They shape who we are, how we feel, and what our life will mean when we look back on it. Love and belonging are not outside of our core needs; instead, they’re as essential as food, shelter, safety. Relationships are the connective tissue between us. They let us know we’re okay. We have a place. We’re not alone.
With Real Love Ready, I wanted to create a company that lived that understanding and that valued relationships as the highest form of currency—not as a sidebar to a conversation but as the whole conversation. I also wanted to grow a joyful community where people could learn how to build their relationship skills by showing up as themselves, and supporting and uplifting one another. Relating to other humans, growing intimacy, and building satisfying connections is full of complexity, because we are—it’s no wonder there’s a lifetime of learning to do when it comes to getting better at love.
I didn’t start this company because I had answers; in fact, I was motivated because I didn’t have them. The people around me didn’t have them. But I was committed to bringing together the most trusted teachers and relationship expertise from around the world to answer the relational questions we all have, and to shed light on our shared struggles. It’s a gap I was determined to fill. Not by telling audiences who they are or what kind of love they need—that’s up to them—but to source, sift, and introduce them to the most credible learning from world-class relationship experts, psychologists, coaches, authors, and therapists they couldn’t access another way.
At RLR, we introduce our audiences to a range of ideas and perspectives, and create one-of-a-kind learning events and experiences. Only our guests can decide the particular ways they want to grow, and the approaches that resonate for them. But they can rely on every RLR offering. They can trust the choices will be thoughtful and served up in special ways so they feel cared for at every step.
There was a moment at the end of our last Summit when a really courageous young man stood up in front of the room of more than 400 people. He admitted he was struggling in the dating world and having a hard time finding intimate connection. He wasn’t sure he was worthy of love. Our audience rose to the occasion. There was an immediate swell of feedback and support. He was shown so much love in that room. The number of people who approached him afterward—who took the time to reassure him that he was not only deserving, but already loved—mattered. That moment made me really proud of the community we’re building here.
The name Real Love Ready acknowledges that we can only learn when we get real and meet the truth. When we’re willing to be vulnerable and admit what we don’t know or didn’t see modelled by our parents or didn’t learn in school—let’s face it, some of the most important lessons don’t make it into the curriculum—but still, we’re here showing up and trying to get better together. In this, I’m a learner like you.
The ‘Ready’ in our name is not about a particular state—it’s certainly not about “single” or “coupled” or “searching.” Instead, RLR is a much bigger tent with room for every learner. Why? Because there’s no one way to love. And because love has the power to change everything.
Thank you for taking this journey with us. I’m so glad you’re here.