Let’s Talk Love brings you advice and insights from trusted experts to help you expand the ways you love, relate, and communicate. Real Love Ready founder and host Robin Ducharme invites guests into conversations that get to the heart of what makes relationships joyful, challenging, and fulfilling.
Featured Episodes
Dr. Sue Johnson
The Science of Love and Emotional Connection
Dr. Ramani Durvasula
Healing From Narcissistic Abuse
Dr. Jody Carrington
Finding Connection in a Disconnected World
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How to Make Online Dating Work for You
Questions for Deeper Connections with Topaz Adizes
This week on Let’s Talk Love, Robin Ducharme sits down with Emmy award-winning director and author, Topaz Adizes, to explore the power of intimate conversations in fostering deeper relationships.
It’s Not Just Sex with Todd Baratz
This week on Let’s Talk Love, Robin Ducharme and Todd Baratz delve into love, relationships, and sex. Todd, a licensed mental health counselor and certified sex therapist, shares insights from his new book, How to Love Someone Without Losing Your Mind.
Sovereign Love with Dené Logan
In this episode of Let's Talk Love, Robin is joined by couples therapist Dené Logan to discuss her new book, Sovereign Love. Dené shares insights from her work with clients and her education in depth psychology.
Closer Together with Sophie Grégoire Trudeau
Join Robin for a thought-provoking conversation with Sophie Gregoire Trudeau about love, relationships, mental health and her new book, Closer Together.
A Sneak Peek into In Bloom 2024
Join us for a special episode of Let’s Talk Love, as host John Kim moderates a panel discussion featuring five speakers from the upcoming In Bloom Summit, alongside Real Love Ready founder, Robin Ducharme.
Your Ultimate You with Sarah Sapora
In this inspiring episode of Let’s Talk Love, Robin sits down with author and speaker Sarah Sapora. Together, they talk about her excellent new book, ‘'Soul Archaeology' that guides readers through the process of self discovery - uncovering their true selves amidst the layers of life's experiences.
Supporting Men's Relational Growth with Bryan Reeves
In this episode of Let's Talk Love, Robin sits down with internationally renowned author, and relationship coach, Bryan Reeves. Bryan’s work is supporting men (and women) to have better lives and thriving relationships.
Healed By Love with Matt Kahn
This week on Let’s Talk Love, Robin is joined by world-renowned author and spiritual teacher, Matt Kahn. Join us for a captivating exploration of love, healing, and self-discovery.
Rewrite the Dating Myths with Damona Hoffman
In this episode of Let's Talk Love, Robin sits down with certified dating coach, Damona Hoffman to discuss the changing landscape of dating and relationships.
Healing From Narcissistic Abuse with Dr. Ramani Durvasula
This week on Let's Talk Love, Robin is joined by clinical psychologist and author, Dr. Ramani Durvasula, to discuss the journey of healing from narcissistic relationships
Love Lessons with Dr. Alexandra Solomon
In this episode of Let's Talk Love, Robin is joined by clinical psychologist, Dr. Alexandra Solomon to discuss her new book, Love Every Day: 365 Daily Practices for Loving Relationships.
Seat Of The Soul with Gary Zukav
In this special episode, Robin sits down for an in-depth conversation with spiritual mentor Gary Zukav, bestselling author of Seat of the Soul.
Feminism and Anger 101 with Robin Clark
This week on Let’s Talk Love we’re joined by feminist life coach, Robin Clark. Robin’s work empowers women to break free from good girl conditioning.
Growth in Partnership with Joree Rose & Dr. John Schinnerer
In this week’s episode Robin is in conversation with Joree Rose & Dr. John Schinnerer. John and Joree share their personal journey as partners and therapists, including challenges they've faced together.
Polysecure: Exploring CNM with Jessica Fern
This week on Let’s Talk Love, Robin sits down with Jessica Fern. Jessica is the acclaimed author of Polysecure: Attachment, Trauma and Consensual Nonmonogamy and Polywise: A Deeper Dive into Navigating Open Relationships.
Wired for Connection with Minaa B.
Join Robin in a compelling conversation with Minaa B., a licensed social worker, mental health educator, and the author of Owning Our Struggles: A Path to Healing and Finding Community in a Broken World.
Navigating Divorce with Kate Anthony
Join Robin in a heartfelt conversation with divorce coach Kate Anthony, host of The Divorce Survival Guide podcast, creator of the online coaching program Should I Stay or Should I Go?, and author of The D Word: Making the Ultimate Decision About Your Marriage.
Ask a Matchmaker with Cassindy Chao
Join us for a lively and insightful conversation with Cassindy Chao, a highly respected matchmaker, dating coach, and the author of Ancient Wisdom, Modern Love.
Unlocking The Power of Saying No with Natalie Lue
In this episode, Robin sits down with Natalie Lue, together they delve into the transformative power of saying “no” and explore the subtle nuances of five people-pleasing styles.
Following our Heart’s Intelligence with Oren Jay Sofer
In today's episode, Robin engages in a captivating conversation with Oren Jay Sofer. Oren teaches meditation and communication internationally.