Ask the Experts | John kim | IG Live Q&A
John Kim is a licensed therapist, speaker, and author of best sellers, "I Used To Be A Miserable F*ck" and “Single. On Purpose." He is a writer for Psychology Today among many other publications and has been featured in The New York Post, NPR, Armchair Expert, Vice, and currently has a television show in development at ABC based on his life. John changed the temperature of therapy twelve years ago, after going through a divorce. He started a blog called The Angry Therapist and quickly built a devoted following of fans who loved the frank and authentic insights that he freely shared on social media. He pulled the curtain back and showed himself by practicing transparency and sharing his story, something therapists are taught NOT to do. Kim became known as an unconventional therapist who worked outside the box by seeing clients at coffee shops, on hikes, and in gyms. He comes with you instead of at you. Today he lives in Altadena California raising a daughter with his girlfriend. He writes books, sends daily texts, and still rides his motorcycle to coffee shops to help people rewrite their stories.
Questions answered:
I’m just through a divorce from a marriage that was abusive and broke me down to nothing. I’m starting over with finding myself and learning to realize my worth. How do I learn to lean into that corrective love you spoke about and not let my trauma get in the way as I heal?
I've gone through two breakups in a row. How do I trust the next person with an open heart?
I’ve been divorced for seven years, and co-parenting has been going well. But since my ex moved in with his new girlfriend, I find myself getting triggered when we're all together. My child loves when we celebrate things as a family, like birthdays or Christmas breakfast, but it makes me question—am I not as healed as I thought? Is it okay to set boundaries and keep some distance, or should I work through the lingering hurt and bitterness?
Why do I continue to try and prove I’m worth loving to someone who has proven time and time again they don’t see my worth?
What are some ways to manage overwhelming emotions while going through a divorce?
I feel like Dane Cook in Good Luck Chuck—every ex marries the next guy. How do I break this pattern?
How do I fully cut ties with an ex when we share a pet and financial responsibilities?
How can I appreciate the good in a past relationship, not forget the bad, and still mentally let them go?
My ex wants to follow me on social media, but I know it's just to keep tabs on me. Should I allow it?
Do we experience different levels of grief with time after a long-term breakup?